About Rajeev Gandhi Science Technology Commission


Aims & Objectives



To be an agent for change, development and advancement through inputs of science and technology;

To function as the prime mover for stimulating horizontal interaction between the universities, research and development institutions, industries and other institutions for developing and upgrading science and technology applications;

To propagate applications through studies, adaptation of technology, formulating projects, field demonstration, imparting necessary training, consultancy and publications;

To provide necessary seed capital and other inputs to the identified projects;

To act as a facilitator or catalyst for transfer of technology from laboratories and other research efforts to applications on a larger scale;

To catalyze application of innovations in line departments of the Government: for example, in education sector to create knowledge based society, improving health services etc., for sustained economic progress;

To create facilities in institutions for undertaking application related research and development in areas or disciplines where such facilities are not available or are inadequate;

The Commission may also provide limited support to relevant basic research. However, the main role of the Commission shall be to promote application oriented research and development  work and thereafter its utilization on a wider scale.



For more information:  https://rgstc.maharashtra.gov.in/